Teeny Tiny Bo with Happy Boy

In the previous posts last year, I showed the hand built Teeny Tiny Bo and also Happy Boy, the character that my friend, Alex created. (find Happy Boy on Facebook) They were all sent for firing together and all come home safely :) I didn’t have time to post the pictures here last year, now they are happily sit at their new homes – Happy went to his papa, Alex, Alex was very excited and happy! And Some Teeny Tiny went to Melbourne to stay with my friend, Steph, and some stay with me :)



Meet Bo on: Bo&Friends Facebook Instagram: helloboandfriends Bo&Friends Etsy Shop and Outdated, Publika.

Happy Boy work in progress

Trying this for my friend, Alex Lim, his lovely character Happy Boy, which some of you have seen in the previous post, Happy Boy and Bo illustration done by Alex. As what Alex has mentioned, Bo and Happy has a very similar outlook, which both also “round round one”, so I thought maybe it’s not that difficult to make him 3D. So I study his drawing and did some structural sketches. First I make a ball with clay. But I realised it cannot be a solid ball coz I need to fire it later, solid ball will explode in the kiln, that’s dangerous. (like you put an egg in the microwave) So I redo the ball and hollow the inside.

After making the ball, I left it for about 15-20 minutes to get hardened. It took me many rounds to shape the face, failed a few times to get it right. Simple thing is not easy to craft, especially this simple shape face with simple expression. At least Happy Boy looks like Happy Boy now, but I have to ask Happy’s father, Alex ,for approval later (Which I did later on, I sent him Whatsapp pix and he loves it)

This is another angle of Happy. I have sent him for firing, he has to go through two firing process. I hope he is ok and Alex will be happy to see him come home safely :)
